28-day Mastery of "self"

Learn HOW to harness your inner power,

replace limiting beliefs, and achieve your

desires - in just 28 days!

Four outstanding benefits you'll reap through this program


First, you'll develop a plan of action and implement it. Many people fail to achieve the success they want because they never plan it out. Through the Academy of Self-Knowledge's Transformational Coaching Program, you'll learn what it takes to develop a plan of action. More importantly, you'll also learn how to develop the conditioned behaviors that it takes to implement your plan and to achieve the goals you set out for yourself.

As a result, the first week of the program is designed to teach you the skills needed to create a plan and to have the focus and self-reliance to implement your plan.

"Through this program I gained the self-discipline to succeed at my goals. I learned how to stay focused and positive even when things don't happen the way I think they should."

David Castro

Actor and Screenwriter

"The work provided excellent support to stick with, and then fulfill specific goals." - Rev. Aliah K. Majon, Creator of Soul Technology"

Rev. Aliah K. Majon

Creator of Soul


"I have more self-discipline, which has allowed me to stay on target to reach my daily, weekly and monthly goals.which has increased my earnings, and peace of mind."- Cat Pedersen, Musician and Voice Actor

Cat Pedersen

Musician and Voice Actor


Second, experience dramatic results in less than two weeks. Because of the daily skill acquisition, application and accountability you will be able to make changes fast. You'll discover that momentum builds and gives you the power to take a quantum leap. However, the benefits are even more dramatic. Not only will you experience rapid changes, you'll be able to apply them daily in life whenever you need them. Your time commitment is just to read your daily concept, answer five questions, participate in your daily coaching call and the weekly two-hour Mastermind meeting without even leaving your home!

"My life is undergoing dramatic changes in less than two weeks."

Ron Neuman

University Professor and


"The work provided excellent support to stick with, and then fulfill specific goals." - Rev. Aliah K. Majon, Creator of Soul Technology"

Maurice Abarr


"The everyday accountability the program provided me accelerated progress in life mastery."

Joy Stanton

Personal Fitness Trainer

and Coach

This class was so transformational that I don't think I could have gotten the same transformation out of years of therapy. I have a tremendous amount of awareness. I also have more passion and motivation to live my life the way I choose. To me this course is priceless.

Sean Cook



Third, magnify your results in life by adding new life skills/tools to the talents you already possess and apply them practically on a daily basis. Many people already know what to do, but are not doing what they know. This course will not only assist you to apply your knowledge on a daily basis, but you will learn which skills you need to be sure you can APPLY your knowledge. The new skills you learn are determined on an individual basis. As you move toward your chosen goals during the 28-day period, your weaknesses become apparent as the obstacles arise that have previously prevented you from accomplishing your goals. You will be taught the new skills you need and be coached THROUGH any obstacles successfully.

"Learning how to focus on concepts and new skills as well as practicing them and applying them practically to my life on a daily basis accelerated my progress."

Sooz Sovern

President of Power

Networking for Women

"You will feel the results of your efforts in life magnified by adding new life skills/tools with the talents you already possess."

"The everyday accountability the program provided me accelerated progress in life mastery."

Joy Stanton

Personal Fitness Trainer

and Coach

"Mastery is a continuous process and by intentionally exercising the skills taught in this program I have had life-changing revelations. The program provided me the opportunity to practice mastery skills in real life situations and to receive immediate feedback."

Joy Stanton

Personal Fitness Trainer

and Coach


Fourth, learn how to create a personal Mission Statement to design your life. Part of the reason shifts occur so rapidly is because of the creation and implementation of a Personal Mission Statement by day three of the program. It is vital to know why you are here and where you are going. This is the purpose of a Mission Statement. You have a standard by which to measure every thought, feeling and action. By asking "Is this thought moving me toward or away from my mission?" you are able to not only be aware of where your thoughts are leading you, but to shift directions immediately back on course, thus creating consistent and accelerated progress. This awareness allows you to set goals that are moving you toward your mission as you move forward taking appropriate action.

"The Course itself was a kind of 'Strategic Plan' for greater Life Mastery."

Rev. Aliah K. Majon

Creator of Soul


"The 28-day course helped define what it is I want and my purpose in life."

Cat Pederson

Musician and Voice


"Through the program, I gained clarity of mission and purpose in life."

Sooz Sovern

President of Power
Networking for Women

"I feel this course is my 'missing link.' It has given me a more focused direction and clearer focus for my life."

Kimberly Strandelius

R. N.



Graduates of our courses consistently experience significant improvements and dramatic changes in their lives, experiencing levels of joy, confidence, success, peace and freedom that had previously eluded them.

Your next step is to assess where your mindset is at on ​your journey of SELF-Discovery!

© 1994 - 2024 International Academy of Self-Knowledge