You graduated from childhood and adolescence with some emotional baggage and scars that you still carry.
You have not quite mastered your negative emotions from the past such as hurt, resentment, sadness, anger, fear, and guilt?
You have not learned how to tap into "the other 90% of your mind" that you were told you had, but never taught how to use.
You still hold some beliefs that limit you: "I can't ___________." I'm not ______ enough." "I'm too _________."
You do not have as much self-discipline and motivation as you would like.
You have not fully recovered from a traumatic event(s) in your life.
Your current job is not the fulfillment of your life's work, purpose and destiny.
You do not make enough money.
You have inner parts that conflict with each other. For example, you say, "On one hand I want to lose weight, but on the other hand, I can't stop eating chocolate."
You have not been taught how to use meditation for problem resolution.