Top 10 ways to know if you are "normal".

  • You graduated from childhood and adolescence with some emotional baggage and scars that you still carry.

  • You have not quite mastered your negative emotions from the past such as hurt, resentment, sadness, anger, fear, and guilt?

  • You have not learned how to tap into "the other 90% of your mind" that you were told you had, but never taught how to use.

  • You still hold some beliefs that limit you: "I can't ___________." I'm not ______ enough." "I'm too _________."

  • You do not have as much self-discipline and motivation as you would like.

  • You have not fully recovered from a traumatic event(s) in your life.

  • Your current job is not the fulfillment of your life's work, purpose and destiny.

  • You do not make enough money.

  • You have inner parts that conflict with each other. For example, you say, "On one hand I want to lose weight, but on the other hand, I can't stop eating chocolate."

  • You have not been taught how to use meditation for problem resolution.

If you find that any of these statements apply, you could benefit from the "Re-Education" process at the International Academy of Self-Knowledge. Our curriculum, an uncommon solution to common challenges, can transform you from "normal" to "excellent"!!

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