Introduction to SELF-Discovery

In our Introduction to SELF-Discovery you'll find the source of your negative self-talk and start eliminating it!

Self-Discovery for Business Leaders

In this two hour session you will meet one-on-one with your coach and deep dive into your thought patterns. Learn how these patterns can impact your life as a business leader leverage them to give you a competitive edge.

28-day Mastery of "self"

Transform Your Finances, Personal Life, Spiritual Connection, Relationships, and Health - in 28 Days! The 28-day Mastery of "self" Intensive Course is our premier course for empowering you to elevate yourself to the heights of achievement, success, and fulfillment of which you've dreamed. Design your life, establish your mission, and set clear and measurable goals; then learn the tools and skills to claim your goals - within 28 days.

This course is BY INVITATION ONLY.

Trading Psychology Assessment

Meet one-on-one with Dr. Libby Adams personally for thirty minutes to review and assess how your trading is going, and she will help you identify and confirm your strengths and weaknesses, along with some options to make significant changes.

Consistency Course

Consistency is one-on-one consultation between the graduates of the 28-day course and their teacher. This program provides ongoing support and accountability as the graduate continues to implement into their daily lives the skills and techniques that they have learned in order to attain even greater goals without stress.

Transformational Coach Training

  • The alignment process

  • Transformational Mediation™ model and TfM exercise

  • ​28-day Mastry of self course

28-Day Annual Group Review Course

The graduates go through the course AGAIN, but instead of working with a coach daily, they can work with a partner several times a week or whatever arrangement the partners make. Some people prefer NOT to have a partner, which is OK also. I meet with the entire group once a week plus a 45-minute private session scheduled after or during the course.

Know Your Personality Type and Start

Transforming Your Life

  • Part I: Harness the Power of Knowing Yourself​

  • Part II: Transform the Limitations of Your Personality

  • ​Part III: Get the Map - Go from where you are to where you want to go

  • Part IV: A Personal One-On-One Session with Dr. Libby Adams

Hourly Rate with Dr. Libby Adams

© 1994 - 2024 International Academy of Self-Knowledge