Introduction to SELF-Discovery™ Course

In this two-hour private discovery session you'll:

  • Gain clarity on how automatic limiting patterns get created and greatly influence your life.

  • Find out why "I" is such a powerful word and LEARN how to use it for your greatest benefit

  • Identify a "part of you" that is currently holding you back and transform it!

  • Activate the different aspects of your mind as a united force for achievement

  • Discover why affirmations alone cannot change limiting beliefs. and experience how those beliefs CAN be changed

  • Learn how to let go of negativity from the past and make new choices in the present

  • Experience Transformational Meditation™ and The Alignment Process™.

In this private two-hour course, Introduction to SELF-Discovery™ Course, learn the foundation principles and models of the Academy's work AND experience the Alignment exercise to tap into your inner power. Also, be guided through the Transformational Meditation™ process to connect you with and utilize your Greater Power to free yourself from a limiting belief of your choice. This course is a prerequiste to be able to enroll in the 28-day Mastery of "self"™ course, which is BY INVITATION ONLY.

© 1994 - 2024 International Academy of Self-Knowledge