
"Loved everything

so far"

I woke one morning with a headache which I rarely get. After I meditated I realized I still hadn’t let go of a trade that I cut short a few days earlier. I was in the 28-day course and had been working on the concept of non-attachment with my coach. My signals were telling me I needed to let go and to move on, which I did. Instantly my headache was gone.

-Diann Bush, Trader, Australia

"My life changed forever"

During the Mastery of self course I laid a firm foundation on which to build going forward in my life and business. I did many TfMs to get rid of separated parts that were not serving me. During one session, I uncovered some psychological blocks to creating wealth. My coach guided me, and I promptly got rid of them. I’m on my way to reaching my financial goals.

-Mark, Entrepreneur

"No Longer Loathe Losing"

I have been able to get rid of my need for control, which is paramount for a trader. Now, I no longer fear failure or loathe losing. Most importantly, I have finally internalized that I am the most important factor in my own success.

- Kim Andersson, Trader

"Course Correcting"

I am more calmed and composed. I am managing my negative thoughts so that they do not lead to negative emotions, which would eventually lead to trading mistakes. I can enter a resourceful mental state at will. When a trade goes against me, I have the mental resolve to properly manage it. I was planning my day, executing the tasks, and debriefing how my day went and doing a course correct if needed, similar actions as I would be doing in the top tasks of trading!

- EM, Trader

"Distinguishing Trading Skills"

Through the Mastery program, I am much more aware and confident about myself and I can clearly distinguish what problems were emotional/spiritual and what were related to lack of trading skills (trading rules, trading plan, routines).

- Cesar, Trader, Brazil

"Aligning Parts of Me"

The 28-day course has given me the tools to get over myself and remember who I really am and how to contribute to the ever expanding need to confirm my own power and creativity. More important, was the awareness that I am here for a reason and that the parts of me that are out of alignment can ever and always be transformed into love. I’ve personally experienced this.

- Julianna, Certified Transformational Coach


Get Started today at no cost to you.

All of the people who got these powerful results started off by watching a free 45-minute Masterclass followed by a fifteen-minute one-on-one SELF-Discovery session with one of the Academy coaches. At the end of the Masteclass, contact information to sign up for that free session is given. To watch that Masterclass, click here:

"Free Up Energy"

The Mastery of self Intensive course helped me identify, focus, and achieve what’s important to me. For me, it was seeing that I could do it with this body, mind, and soul. Contrary to what I previously perceived, the grass is not always greener over there. I don’t have to keep searching, and that frees up a lot of energy, which I can now put to far better use.

-Diann Bush, Trader, Australia

"Eliminating Self-Doubt

I no longer have the self-doubt in the back of my mind that I used to have when I put on a trade. There is no more second-guessing. I have gained some self-discipline in executing my daily trade preparation and review. I killed it in the December wheat and rode a 1 dollar rally (like a pony – giddy-up!!) up for about a week. Bought at the absolute low and sold near the high. I couldn’t have played it better. I’M BACK!

- Scott Lovell, Chicago


This course demolished the mental walls that were hindering my trading. Preconceived notions of fear and doubt that kept me from really trading to my fullest potential vanished. I began to clearly and confidently see trades where I had not seen them before. This course honed my trading psychology, and now I feel unstoppable.

- Doug Min, Chicago

"Improved My Life"

I am doing the Mastery of Self course for the second time, and it won’t be the last time, probably. I can recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their life. I think it’s especially useful for traders. It allows you to develop an objective view on the market without your personal issue filters in the way.

- Florian Grummes, Trader & Musician, Germany

"Take Down the Big Trade"

I have learned that psychologically bouncing back from losses will prevent losses from compounding. If you can govern your emotions and maintain a positive mental state, you will always be prepared to take down the big trade.

- Mark Palchak, Chicago

"Increase in Confidence

The Mastery of self course has had a tremendous impact on my trading. I found a huge increase in my confidence every time I stepped into the pit. Everything is flowing smoothly and I have a new composure that makes things come easily and also makes me more confident to take a risk that I have not tried yet. I am trading better than I ever have and trying new things that I always envisioned, but never knew how to attain.

- Matt Nuccio, Chicago, IL

"Personal Power"

I was able to accept my personal power, and can now acknowledge that I am, indeed, a Master Trader.

- Melba Hale, Las Vegas

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