Transformational coach Training

This course prepares the teacher to take a student through the Introduction to Self-Discovery session.

Participants learn the foundational materials of teaching the Academy's work including:

  • The alignement process.

  • Transformational MeditationTM process and TfM Exercise.

  • Four Exppressions of mind Model.

  • The 28-day mastery of self course.

Students will have supervised practice in performing the alingment and facilitating the Transformational MeditationTM Exercise.


Upon successful completion of the Teacher Training Course, Teachers may begin to student teach the 2-hour Introduction to SELF-Discovery Course and the 28-day Mastery of self-course. After teaching two or three 28-day courses at no charge, teachers are eligible to be certified by IASK to teach the Introduction to Self-Discovery session as well as the 28-day course. Upon receiving course evaluations indicating outstanding performance and receiving the approval of Dr. Adams or her designee, the teacher will be eligible to become a Certified International Academy of Self-Knowledge teacher. The number of courses to be taught at no charge are dependant upon the feedback on their students' Course Evaluation.

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