Part I: Harness the Power of Knowing Yourself
First you’ll take the full personality type assessment and then,
In the webinar session you’ll:
Get acquainted with “The Holy Grail” . . . YOU!
See how knowing your personality gives you an EDGE.
Learn how you like to focus your attention.
Learn the way you like to take in information.
Learn the way you make decisions.
Part II: Transform the Limitations of Your PersonalityIn this webinar session you’ll:
Discover how to go BEYOND the limits of your personality.
Understand your “operating system” and how to program it for success.
Learn how to eliminate destructive internal chatter that interferes with your trading.
Explore your imagination as a vehicle of inner power.
Part III: Get the Map - Go from where you are to where you want to go
In the webinar session you’ll:
Learn the “red flags” of your personality. . . before it costs you money.
Discover your basic fear and a plan to overcome it.
Take what you’ve discovered so far to define exactly where your are now.
Create your MAP to get where you REALLY want to go!
Part IV: A Personal One-On-One Session with Libby
This is all about you!!
In our private one-hour phone session I will personally:
Help you assess what it all means to your trading.
Discuss how you can capitalize on your strengths.
Use the MAP of YOUR PERSONALITY to create a plan to transform your weaknesses and enhance your strengths.
Help you tie the whole process together to accelerate your results.