Transformational Meditation™ ​



Dr. Libby Adams

Ph.D., DD, Founder

​Libby Adams, Ph.D., DD, is the Founder and current President of the International Academy of


Ell Graniel

Ph.D., DD, Founder Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Ell Graniel is the founder of Truespeak™, a professional and personal training company specializing in inter and intrapersonal...

Laurie Kopping

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Laurie Kopping, M.A. Laurie Kopping is a professional educator with more than 20 years experience working in California public...

Allison Martin-Attix

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

An environmentalist, outdoorswoman, yoga teacher and mindfulness teacher, Alli finds nature, yoga and meditation techniques to be the antidote to our ever present overconsumption of...

Geraldine "Geri" Brisbane Crooks

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Geri has been an educator for over 40 years. Since 2002, she has taught others how to gain clarity and reconnect with their TRUE purpose in life....

Jessica St. Germain

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

My spiritual and teaching journey has spanned many cities and countries around the globe. As most good stories go, mine has many interesting twists. Here’s the edited version…

Julianna Forgione

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Julianna Forgione is one of our founding faculty members. She has over three decades of experience as a student and teacher of Higher Learning. Her teaching business covers four continents...

Jean Marchand

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Jean has been a Meditation teacher, Financial Advisor, and Trader for over 45 years. Entrepreneurs, Advisors, and Traders hire Jean to gain greater Clarity, increased Motivation and more...

Cat Pedersen

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Cat was born in Tennessee, the youngest of six children. After the family relocated to San Gabriel Valley in California. After high school, Cat traveled the United States performing music with a group...

Eugene D. Holden

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Eugene D. Holden is a Licensed Spiritual Counselor, studying New Thought and Science of Mind for over 30 years. Eugene served as Program Manager then Department Manager for World Ministry of Prayer...

Meghan Karraba

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Meghan Karraba, B.S./M.S., C.N.H.P., L. Min., is a Certified Transformational Meditation™ Teacher as well as a Certified Natural Health Practioner. She works with individuals who are seeking change...

Dr. James Proetz

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

JDr. James works with successful entrepreneurs and business owners who struggle with breaking through or overcoming self limitations, especially individuals with substance or process addictions.

Kirk Cooper

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Kirk has over 30 years of experience in Investment Management and trading. He was a proprietary trader for Citibank and Deutsche Bank and then he founded a quant fund, a hedge fund, and an ETF company.

Keren Kilgore

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Keren's purpose is simple: To BE. She does that by living in a higher vibrational frequency, connecting with and enjoying God, living in financial freedom, and unlocking the potential of others so that they can do the same.

Cathie Stewart

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Cathie Stewart, CPA-CGA, has worked for Price Waterhouse, Arthur Andersen, and Manulife. Additionally, she gained valuable experience as a business entrepreneur. Over time, she discovered her passion for working...

Steve David

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Benefitting clients from a background as a surgeon, physician, and scientist and his work as an active hedge fund manager, trader, and educator, Steve David helps Financial Professionals

Bernard Mumford

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

Bernard’s purpose is to serve mankind by creating love, joy, and liberty, influencing others on their journey. He is a father of 8 children.

Sherry David

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

With a background in biology and psychology and being educated as a physician and scientist, Sherry David helps Financial Professionals learn and apply the edge of operating

Gregor Labahn

Transformational Meditation™ Teacher

With over 25 years of experience in trading, I started my career on the trading floor and later worked as an institutional trader before transitioning into independent trading and coaching.

© 1994 - 2024 International Academy of Self-Knowledge